5S: The Foundation of Success

5S picture

5S is the base of almost any Continuous Improvement program. It is a systematic approach to workplace organization and much more than that. 5S is about efficiency, competitiveness, and survival. It is a deceptively simple system that creates a safe, organized, and productive workplace.
Making problems visible is the first step of improvement.
It is not just about cleaning up and eliminating toolboxes. 5S creates a workplace environment that can adapt and succeed in these turbulent times. Chaos and unproductivity are your enemies; organization and efficiency are your allies.

• Understand basic elements of Lean management and its relation to 5S
• Understand and prove benefits of 5S
• Deeply understand the concepts of the 5 steps
• Develop a comprehensive training and change for others across the organization to implement 5S.
• How to perform 5s in your organization

Duration: 2 Days

Lean Management Basic:
• Concept of Lean
• The DOWNTIME wastes in organization
• TPM – Total Productive Maintenance
• 5S as foundation for continuous performance improvement programs

5S Benefits:
• Improved efficiency and quality
• Reduced storage space
• Improved maintenance and safety
• Greater employee satisfaction
• Without 5s you will have 5Ds!

5S Principles/Phases:
• Concept of Visual management
• Sort
• Set in order
• Shine
• Standardize
• Sustain

Sorting Strategies
• Just-In-Case Mentality
• Unusable, broken items removal
• Standard definition of waste disposal
• Files/Data archival
Setting-in-Order Strategies
• Open storage systems
• Equipment positions
• Labelled cabinets, storage bins, etc.
• Colour-coding
• Item storage by usage frequency
• Minimum and maximum levels of stock
Shining Strategies
• Dirt, clutter, etc. elimination
• Work area, tools and equipment cleaning
• Waste disposal area identification and cleaning
• Workplace division into zones
• Duty schedules and responsibilities
• Cleaning inspection checklists
Standardizing Strategies
• Procedures/schedules for implementation consistency
• Dynamic work structure
• Awareness of sorting, organizing, cleaning responsibilities
• Status review of 5S implementation
• Machine cleaning/lubrication check sheets
Sustaining Strategies
• Human behavior
• Leadership Behavior
• Training Schedules
• Health and safety integration
• Audit result communication
• Metrics for results
• Reward and recognition
5S case studies (During the session)

5S Implementation Steps
• The concept of 6S!
• Team/team lead establishment
• Understanding of implementation objectives
• 5S training
• Current situation evaluation
• Data collection
• Improvement plan
• Resource and finance estimates
• Plan implementation
• Outcome communication
• Reward and recognition
• Control plan