Design Thinking

Design Thinking image


This hands-on two-day program on Design Thinking and its application in driving innovation, enhancing customer experience initiatives, and fostering continuous improvement is essential for any organisation.

Design Thinking is a human-centered approach to problem-solving that empowers organizations to create innovative solutions by empathizing with end-users, challenging assumptions, and iterating rapidly.

In this program, participants will embark on a journey to explore the principles, methodologies, and practical techniques of Design Thinking, equipping themselves with the skills to drive meaningful change and achieve business success.

Course Objectives and Outcomes:      

By the end of this program, participants will:

  • Understand the Principles of Design Thinking: Gain a comprehensive understanding of the core principles and methodologies of Design Thinking, including empathy, ideation, prototyping, and testing.
  • Apply Design Thinking to Drive Innovation: Learn how to leverage Design Thinking principles to identify unmet needs, generate creative ideas, and develop innovative solutions that address customer pain points and business challenges.
  • Enhance Customer Experience Initiatives: Explore how Design Thinking can be applied to enhance customer experience initiatives by uncovering customer insights, designing customer-centric solutions, and delivering exceptional experiences across touchpoints.
  • Foster Continuous Improvement in Business: Discover how Design Thinking can drive continuous improvement by fostering a culture of experimentation, iteration, and learning within organizations

Course Content:

Day 1: Understanding Design Thinking

Introduction to Design Thinking

  • Principles and Core Concepts
  • Human-Centered Design Approach

Empathize: Understanding User Needs

  • Techniques for Empathy Mapping
  • Conducting User Interviews and Observations

Define: Framing the Problem

  • Problem Definition and Reframing Techniques
  • Developing User Personas and Journey Maps

Ideate: Generating Creative Solutions

  • Brainstorming Techniques
  • Idea Generation and Selection

Prototype: Building and Testing Solutions

  • Rapid Prototyping Methods
  • Testing and Iterating Solutions

Case Studies and Best Practices

  • Real-world examples of Design Thinking in action

Group Activity: Design Thinking Challenge

  • Apply Design Thinking principles to solve a real-world challenge

Day 2: Applying Design Thinking in Business

Design Thinking for Innovation

  • Applying Design Thinking to drive innovation in products, services, and processes
  • Creating a culture of innovation within organizations

Design Thinking for Customer Experience

  • Designing customer-centric solutions
  • Improving customer journey and touchpoints

Design Thinking for Continuous Improvement

  • Using Design Thinking to foster a culture of experimentation and learning
  • Implementing continuous improvement initiatives

Case Studies and Success Stories

  • Examples of organizations using Design Thinking to drive business results

Workshop: Design Thinking Action Plan

  • Developing a roadmap for applying Design Thinking principles in participants’ organizations

Q&A and Wrap-Up